The mission of this Collaborative is to promote stationary fuel cell commercialization as a means towards:
• reducing or eliminating air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions,
• increasing energy efficiency,
• promoting energy reliability and security,
• promoting energy diversity,
• promoting energy independence, and
• realizing a sustainable energy future
The Collaborative envisions fuel cell installations pursued by state, local and public organizations as well as private entities. We believe that California represents a critical market for the fuel cell industry. Therefore, it is anticipated that California will capture 5 to 25 percent of the global sales volume capacity over the next several years.
The Collaborative will take specific actions to promote a wide variety of fuel cell technologies, sizes and applications for installation in California. These actions will include facilitating the installation of fuel cells in a variety of applications including: industrial, commercial, residential, premium, remote, backup, and base-load power applications – as the market dictates.
The Collaborative will provide unparalleled leadership in facilitating the installation of fuel cells in state buildings as well as support the installation of fuel cells in other markets.